I don't know how the rest of you with TBI feel but personally I would like to scream at how TBI is portrayed sometimes and how little you hear about the positive things being done to help survivors.  While we need to understand that misconceptions just are not going to ever disappear, we still should band together to try and do something.  No its not always fun to talk about TBI, but sometimes it can turn out to be a bad thing to talk about your TBI.  We shouldn't always expect lobbyists, doctors, etc. to do our job for us.  If you are not able to, then its okay to have someone represent you.  But the impact would be that much greater if we all banded together and spoke with one voice.

What legislation at either the state or federal level are you keeping an eye on?  Are you wanting it to pass or fail?  Why or Why not?

 What are the top 3 biggest hurdles you face in school, at work, or at both?

 Below put why you believe your voice/vote should count.